Sunday, July 19, 2009

How a man can be so loved...

His name was Timothy David Mackay. He was the boss of my bosses.

It's not like that I meet him everyday, or even talk to him so frequently. Probably there are only one or two chances that I had a real conversation with him. The rest was only a "good morning greeting" on the lift, or when he came down to our floor. But these rare moments left so much to me and to many others that loved him.
Whether you're a retail owner somewhere in Cirebon, or a mason in some part of Bekasi you will always have such a loving memory with him.
It won't be easy to find a CEO of a company with thousands of employees that spare his time just to congratulate and motivate you, even when you're only a regular staff. Remembers your name. And will go back all the way to Cirebon, because he promised a retailer that he will give their picture personally.

And this quote from Paul Hugentobler's speech at his memorial service that day was my favourite, "...he was never a ceo, he was a father, a protector of the organization. His people always comes first.."
note :
"this post was intended to be posted on Sunday, July 19. But then my cell phone rang, it was my boss. He asked me to get to the hospital as fast as I could, because they need all Holcim branded cars to escort Pak Tim to the airport. I Only got one hour that day, and I drove like I never did. But got there just in time, to escort him to the airport with the rest of the convoy"

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